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Tuesday, July 26, 2011


These are some shots of a 3d version of the Giant Ant that is in progress as well as some more concept work for "NetHack!!" .

Friday, July 15, 2011


This is the next image I have done for the NetHack project. This is the Killer bee monster and I have done a front and side view to better aid in modeling.  I am also  going to do another version of the Giant Ant in this fashion as well because the previous image leaves too much guess work for the potential modeler (In this case, Me) . Adieu


This image is the first of my efforts toward an Open Source Game called NetHack. I learned about it through a recent 3D professor who offered to let me contribute some assets for the on-going project. This is the Giant_Ant and I am not sure whether it is friend or foe yet so its a bit neutral for now.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Well it has taken long enough that I am ready to start something new, here is my final render of this image. Hope you enjoy....