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Monday, June 13, 2011


I have done some more detailing using the smudge tool and low opacity blending. Also I am looking at images of air stream campers to get the metallic feel I want for the legs..

Saturday, June 11, 2011


This image is a drawing I did while bored in class. It was sharpie on sketch paper which I scanned and will now begin painting in photoshop.

I am hoping to achieve a very reflective surface on the metal surfaces, which will be a learning experience in and of itself. More to come...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


 Re-posting some things that might be getting overlooked since I put up all of those incomplete drawings (I sorry). In any case, these are in my opinion the best representations of my skill. I continue to learn and draw experience from every day, hopefully some of these images will inspire you...

Look out behind you!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


These are some more paintings and drawings that I have done in the past, basically just purely for enjoyment. Some of the paintings like the alien with the red eye are done with oil on pre-made canvas and others are done using gouache on watercolor paper. The rest are just sketches that I scanned to give a better example of my style. Hope you enjoy.......

* The above image was referenced from the Iron Giant Movie for educational purposes

I plan on going back in on most of these line drawings and fleshing them out in photoshop over the summer. Until next post

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


This is a very short animation I did using only pencil and typing paper and a light_board. It was for a basic animation course at A.C.C. taught by a very experienced animator, I will refer to him as Mr. Smith...

This was the final project in which we were tasked with making a scene with a sac of flour. So I chose a Tarzan scenario, however the hero may have been a bit too confident. Better res if you don't go full-screen. Hope you enjoy.. eh